About OlPC India
OLPC India is a non-profit organization dedicated to transforming education for children who have had little or no access to modern information technology. OLPC India is an initiative to revolutionize the way we learn, the vision behind this "educational" project, and also scale up the eco-system of sharing between the diverse set of communities existing in the Indian Subcontinent.
OLPC focuses on designing, manufacturing, and distributing laplets to children and program support required to ensure that all the children own and can effectively use a laplet.

OLPC India aims to distribute technologically advanced laplets to as many underprivileged children as possible to revolutionize the face of rural education. read more

The mission of OLPC India is to create educational opportunities for the children of rural India by providing one connected laplet to every school-age child. read more

OLPC India has been founded by Satish Jha who has been working at the intersection of technology and social development for the past decade.read more

Although the release of the OLPC is relatively new, it has been an idea long in the making. Educators have seen and hoped for bringing the right technology to children all around the globe for a while and under Nicholas Negroponte's guidance, this dream is quickly becoming a reality. read more

Learning is the basis for full human, social, economic and democratic development. As the pace of change in the world increases dramatically, the urgency to prepare all children to be full citizens of the emerging world also increases dramatically. read more